Event Schedule – March 13th 2024

Our Scientology protest party will take place on 13th March 2024. This is where you will find information about where to be and when, and what to expect from the day.

If you are unable to attend in person, please put on your United Against Scientology t-shirt and join us online. The protest will be live streamed on Apostate Alex’s Youtube Channel and shared on social media using the hashtag #LRHProtest.


12:00PM – 8:00PM– Meet outside the Church of Scientology at 146 Queen Victoria Street, London. Participants will be receive a short briefing on the rules and regulations applying specifically to our demonstration, the message we want to convey and what to expect from the day.

12:00PM – Staff and Students break for lunch

1:00PM – Staff and Students return from their lunch break

6:00PM – Day staff leave and are replaced by the Foundation shift. Scientology have also advertised an event happening at this time in the Org, which could generate an influx of public arriving.

8:00PM – The static demonstration officially ends, however we may decide to leave earlier. It is likely we will then gather at a nearby pub for dinner and a pint afterwards.

The finer details – rules, what to bring and what to expect

Our protest will take place without road closures so will need to stick to the pavements. We also need to pay close attention to blocking entry or causing destress. please wear comfortable footweear and wrap up warm!

Remember: the purpose of this demonstration is to show Scientologists how great life is without LRH. So let’s make it a party! Fancy dress, costumes, silly hats and balloons are encouraged – it is his birthday, after all.


  • Absolutely no harassment or yelling abuse at the Scientologists. This is a peaceful protest and we want to carry a message of compassion, not attacks. Don’t forget – they’re victims. City of London Police have previously accepted large donations, expensive gifts and hospitality from the Church of Scientology and in 2008, a 15 year old was arrested under the Public Order Act at a protest outside London Org for carrying a sign calling Scientology a cult. The case was made that the protestor caused alarm and distress and his sign inflicted religious hatred. The Crown Prosecution Service dropped the case on review, issuing a statement that said “In consultation with the City of London police, we were asked whether the sign, which read ‘Scientology is not a religion it is a dangerous cult’, was abusive or insulting.

    Our advice is that it is not abusive or insulting and there is no offensiveness, as opposed to criticism, neither in the idea expressed nor in the mode of expression. No action will be taken against the individual.

    Although the teenager eventually avoided court, his arrest caused disruption to the protest – straight out of the OSA playbook. Please familiarise yourself with this incident, the Public Order Act and protect yourself with knowledge.
  • You MUST stay on public land at ALL times. The demonstration area will be on public land land outside the main entrance and for no reason should you try to ’sneak in’ or gain access to their property without permission. Before the march begins, we will host a short briefing for those taking part in which we will identify the areas in which we are allowed to demonstrate.
  • Don’t be a dick. Scientology are more than likely to attempt to agitate or rile us up in an attempt to cause an altercation and end our protest early. If you find yourself in a heated situation, just take a step back and reset for a minute.
  • Scientology’s goal is to silence our voices and will do anything they possibly can to prevent the protest from continuing. Any excuse they can find to claim harassment, alarm or distress will be used against us as and may prevent the Council and Police from supporting us in any future demonstrations. It is vitally important you stay vigilant, take regular breaks and treat everybody in the area with respect.
  • SAFEGUARD YOURSELF – please come equipped with a camera if you have one so that we can record as much of the day as possible between us. Video footage will also help protect you in the event there are any accusations thrown at us.
  • Anyone refusing to respect Scientology’s private property, inciting violence or hurling insults at passers by will be asked to leave. Please respect the organising team and comply with their requests should any changes need to be made on the day.
  • The Police will be present to protect us, but also to keep us in line – So please, don’t be a dick.


  • It will be cold and we will be outside for an extended period of time. Please wrap up warm, wear comfy shoes and don’t forget it will be dark when we leave. If you have a
    hi-vis jacket, bring this with you too!
  • This is a party – fancy dress, costumes and hats are encouraged. Our aim is to show Scientologists it is possible to be happy and have a good time without LRH, so please bring the party spirit with you!
  • Bring a flashlight! Get creative and why not wrap your placard or banner in LED fairy lights? Things like this not only add a bit of fun to the day, but also help us to be seen in the dark.
  • Don’t forget to keep yourselves fed and hydrated – please make sure you have plenty of snacks and a bottle of water with you.
  • Please make your own way to the event, and we encourage you to use public transport as parking spaces nearby (or anywhere in Central London) are extremely limited. The nearest London Underground station is Blackfriars (Central and District Lines and Thameslink services) and St Pauls (Central Line) is a short walk away.
  • After the protest, you are welcome to join us at the pub for a pint and a debrief before heading home.


Please do be prepared for lots of cameras – you will be captured on film at this event by other protestors, Scientology and the media. We are expecting a cohort of journalists and press photographers to cover the protest. If you wish to stay anonymous please consider a mask or costume to add a bit of fun to the day. We also encourage those taking part to share posts from the protest on social media using the hashtag #LRHProtest.

Perhaps most importantly: be kind to each other, and don’t forget to have fun.

Should you need to contact the protest organisers, please use the email address at the footer of this website. They will make themselves known on the day should anything arise while taking part.